Cammy White ha un nuovo volto, il suo nome è Puma Cosplays

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Cammy White è un personaggio della serie di videogiochi nipponica Street Fighter, uno dei capostipiti dei “picchiaduro a incontri” dove i personaggi si sfidano li uni contro gli altri senza esclusione di colpi.

Cammy è entrata nella storia per via alla sua travagliata storia (che la vede sottomessa al perfido M. Bison successivamente sconfitto) oltre che per il suo fisico statuario e mozza fiato.

Questa icona del trend, made in Capcom e nato nell’87, è stata molto apprezzata in tutto il mondo, riscuotendo un successo strepitoso, una popolarità che ha dato il via ad una lunga escalation di: film, pellicole di animazione, titoli di games, manga, anime e così via.

Questa vera e propria carovana di trionfi, ha raggiunto il culmine con una serie davvero cospicua di Cosplay interamente dedicati alla regina Cammy e tra questi, noi della “Mankey News” non potevamo fare a meno di celebrare il capolavoro ad opera del fenomeno brasiliano, Nina in arte Puma Cosplays.

Con il suo perizoma, il suo berretto e gli inconfondibili guanti speciali, quest’artista fenomenale ha saputo dare una connotazione diversa al personaggio, generando conseguentemente negli osservatori più attenti delle sensazioni di marzialità lontane dall’idealizzazione di pin-up dell’interprete, Kylie Minouge.

L’interpretazione del personaggio non è di certo seconda alla scelta dei dettagli, la bella Nina, infatti, ha saputo donare agli scatti di maestri della fotografia come: JNFoto e Marcos Vinicius M, uno sguardo intenso e delle pose di ineguagliabile spessore.

Noi della “Mankey News” siamo estasiati da questo prodigio e vi presentiamo una bellissima intervista in lingua inglese, consigliandovi anche di rimanere in contatto con il nostro sito per poter assistere in futuro ad altri lavori prodotti dal fascino verde-oro di Nina.


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Hi Puma and thank you for giving us this interview! To break the ice, tell us a little about yourself and your passion.
«Hi, my name is Nina Ferrari, I’m 33 years old, I’m Physical Education Teacher and Gym Instructor, and I started to wear cosplay at 1997. The nickname “Puma” is originated from the basketball team that I played, and when I started going to anime conventions and wearing cosplay, I introduced myself using that name. I’m nerd, and I’m cartoon, comic books, geek movies, games lover, because of this I wear cosplays of different kinds of characters. I’m a japanese culture lover, but US produtions have a space in my heart».

The world of Cosplay is very varied and full of exciting surprises, but sometimes also tortuous. What were the fans and people close to you that give you the strength and enthusiasm to create your work?
«Cosplay is my hobby, It is my main form of fun and I forget about work problems. People are often the problem, some people makes the hobby tortuous, some conventions become a toxic place. Fans, my friends, my husband, my parents (after years to understand the importance that It has to me) gave me this strength and enthusiasm. But, first of all, my strength and enthusiasm comes from my passion for the characters».

What makes the Cosplay in Brazil unique? And what are the differences between the South American cosplayers and the European ones?
«First of all, we are a too creative people, It’s part of our survival mode of life. And Brazil’s Carnival…Most of Brazilians cosplayers don’t like Carnival, but, especially at Rio de Janeiro (Were I was born and live) and São Paulo, some stuff to make clothes and accessories, we only have access to this because of the Carnival».

Among your works we can count divine works of the caliber of: Mai Shiranui, Cammy White, but also Orochi Leona and Power Girl, all Cosplay that show your audacity. Regarding this, how important is the experimentation for a cosplayer?

«I choose a character by identifying with it, so when I choose a costume that exposes more my body, I choose the most reserved outfit (Mai’s case) or increase a little something in the clothes to preserve myself (Cammy and Power Girl’s case). Usually, people don’t perceive it, because my interpretation helps people to see the character. I have audacity, but being careful.
I know that when I wear a cosplay like that I need to be carefull with harassment and ignor it to continue having fun».

Tell us a little about your philosophy on the world of Cosplay, for example: your way of seeing this sector, what is to be improved over time or what you would not change for anything else.
«So again, I choose a character by identifying with it, I don’t make a costume because of that is famous at the moment, I don’t make a costume just because the character is similar to me physically, I don’t make a costume that someone said me to make. I make a costume bescause I love that character, indifferent of gender, height, any physical difference to me».

You’ve really made a lot of jobs. Which one is most in your heart?
«Leona Heidern from The King of Fighters ’97. I make the first version of her, at 2005. She was the first character I saw in this game, the arcade was on demo mode, I looked at the machine and saw the introduction of her, love at first sight. I met my husband at an anime convention, he was as Maxima and I was wearing Leona. I have been improving this costume over the years».

South America is a group of very advanced nations in the world of Cosplay. What is the secret of his success?
«I know very good cosplayer in South America, but I don’t see a lot, whole this success, I don’t consider myself a great cosplayer, I just do my best. In Asia, I see a lot of great cosplayers».

During the video presentation of your beautiful Mai and those dedicated to Just Dance, you’ve got to make a sublime marriage between: setting, costume design and interpretation. What was the path and the idea that led you to combine these three important concepts?
«There is a mistake in this point of view, Nina/Puma is a Just Dance Lover, in the events I am usually wearing cosplay, so I post many videos where I’m dancing and I’m wearing cosplay. But, I’m not playing the character at this moment, I’m playing Just Dance. In my youtube channel (, there are serious and faithful presentations to the characters or original script, but always maintaining a context with the character. And you’ll watch I’m playing Just Dance wearing Lolita Fashion (That´s not cosplay)».

What is the inspiration that usually leads you to make a Cosplay? (Ex: read Best Seller, Western comics, manga or anime watch) and based on that you decide to work one for a character?
«If I’m reading or watching something I’m taking the risk of liking a character. And It’s like become love, I make a cosplay. Most of my costumes are based on anime, then on games, and some for other origins».

According to rumors, you have also participated in several Cosplay competitions. How do you generally manage tension before getting on a stage?
«It’s was really true until 2010, until 2010, I participated and won several local competitions, competitions from other states, also national competitions, but winning is not my goal, it is a consequence of my effort, so I prefer to make a beautiful presentation to a medal or trophy. Nowadays, I partipate one, two times for year. But, always that I getting on a stage I get nervous, I tremble, but when the interpretation begins, I only see the scene, when the audio ends, I get nervous again, this never changes. Nowadays, I’ve been evaluating cosplayers in contests, I’m more on the other side».

Can you give us some small preview about your future work? And you could even tell us if you have any Cosplay you want at all costs to achieve?
«I don’t like say what I doing or planning, I’m a bit superstitious. But, I’m improving my two Hatsune Miku costumes and Gokai Yellow costume, and I’m remaking my Lara Croft cosplay for the movie’s premiere in March, It’s version is from 2006 game, but It’s my favorite version».

Finally, in order to greet our readers, would you like to say something to the Mankey News audience?
«First, I want to thank Mankey News very much for the opportunity, it was an honor. I want to congratulate them for showing people who do cosplay because they like it around the world. I apologize for not speaking Italian, my Ferrari surname comes from Italian family. I really love wearing cosplay, I’m always improving the costumes of characters that I like the most, I’ve done them for years, and anyone who wants to talk about cosplay and how I do cosplay, feel free just like Mankey News did, send me a private message on the Facebook page (, Instagram (@puma_cosloli), twitter (@ninaleonapuma), I really love to talk and interact with cosplayers and people who admire our work around the world, I’m always trying do subtitles my pages in English for many people can understand them. And apologize for anything ^^».


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